This medium-sized dried bouquet represents a pure and sincere feeling of kindness. Kindness is a rare trait in today's world, which is why this bouquet serves as a gentle reminder about it.
The bouquet features white and ivory undertones, highlighting the beauty and purity of kindness. Elevate any space with this luxurious centerpiece and bring in a burst of positive energy.
This bouquet serves as a beautiful self-reminder that even the smallest act of kindness holds more value than the greatest intention. Kindness dried bouquet is an ideal gift for someone you are grateful for.
Note: Vase is not included
Composition: various types of pampas grass in white, white bunny tails, dried phalaris, dried tea tree in white, preserved hydrangea in white, various types of preserved ruscus in white, and dried windmill fruit
The bouquet is made of real dried and preserved flowers, which makes it:
- eco-friendly
- sustainable
- easy to care
- pet-friendly
- hypoallergenic
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Once you receive the bouquet, we suggest that you fluff it up a bit before placing it in a vase without water.
There are three easy rules that you need to follow to prolong the beauty of your dried bouquet:
- No watering
- No direct sunlight (dried flowers can change their color)
- No excess humidity (the bouquet can lose its fluffiness)
Also, we suggest:
- To keep the bouquet indoors
- Keep it away from fire and candles
- Not to touch it too frequently because it may cause excessive shedding
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Order processing time is 1-3 days. Delivery times depend on the shipping method you choose at checkout.
We offer FREE standard shipping on orders over 100 EUR. The delivery times depend on your location.
Express courier delivery is available for an extra fee, typically taking 1-4 business days based on your location.
Please note that all sales are final, and we do not accept returns unless you received a damaged bouquet.
More about shipping & returns read here.
Real Flowers
Every bouquet is made of natural flowers that were carefully dried or preserved saving the beauty of each flower for many years to come.
Good for Nature
Dried florals are eco-friendly and sustainable, making them a perfect alternative to fresh flowers. No watering or special care required for our bouquets.
Each bouquet is carefully handcrafted with love in Latvia. We value quality and choose only the best-looking flowers to arrange the bouquets.
Unforgettable Experience
Choose gift packaging to enjoy a delightful unboxing experience. No matter whether you are purchasing the bouquet for yourself or for your loved one. Everyone deserves a gift.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the care instructions?
Once you receive the bouquet, we suggest that you fluff it up a bit before placing it in a vase without water.
There are three easy rules that you need to follow to prolong the beauty of your dried bouquet:
- No watering
- No direct sunlight (dried flowers can change their color)
- No excess humidity (the bouquet can lose its fluffiness)
Also, we suggest:
- To keep the bouquet indoors
- Keep it away from fire and candles
- Not to touch it too frequently because it may cause excessive shedding
How long do dried bouquets last?
With the right simple care dried and preserved flowers can last for over a year.
Can I order the bouquet as a gift in advance?
Yes, absolutely. We pack the bouquets carefully and they can be stored in a box for some time. If you are planning to gift it to someone, you don't need to unpack it in advance.
To which countries do you deliver bouquets?
Currently, we deliver across most of European Countries, Nordics, and UK.
How often shall the bouquet be placed in the water?
Never place dried bouquet in the water.
Inspirational Bouquets
Name of each bouquet speaks for itself. Every arrangement symbolizes and brings special meaning to your space.